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Access My Library

Page history last edited by Lesson Plan Cloud 14 years, 4 months ago


Access My Library

AccessMyLibrary is  one of the world's largest publishers of reference information that has serviced libraries for more than 50 years.


By partnering with libraries throughout the United States and Canada, AccessMyLibrary provides free access to premium content you can trust. Browse and read over 30 million articles for business, education, and general research needs – absolutely free! Simply log in with a valid e-mail address and postal code to access online information through a nearby library.


Our goal is to help you access information from credible sources while making the offerings of local libraries more accessible. We do this by using our technology to help people find this content, which search engines usually cannot access. AccessMyLibrary also includes articles from HighBeam Research, which is a part of the Gale family. HighBeam offers even more research content, including access to archives from more than 6,500 publications.


Helping libraries

When looking for information, many people use general search engines like Google. Although search engines can be useful, they lack access to a lot of the valuable content and resources libraries purchase, which are available to the public for free.


AccessMyLibrary makes portions of that content visible to search engines so people can find it and access the content in its entirety at libraries and online. This builds appreciation for what libraries offer while directing more visitors to those libraries.





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